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Progress report

Sorry I haven't made any blog entries for a while. I've been concentrating on my second novel. You'd rather have me doing that anyway, no?

I just hit 10,000 words on Novel 2, and it's coming along quite nicely. It's a bit more of a psychological thriller than Pebble, and hence a bit slower paced, but there's a hint of creeping menace that will keep my readers turning the pages. You might almost call it a mystery. Actually, I haven't yet figured out where to pigeonhole it, it's just a story that I'm writing and enjoying. I don't know how it's going to end yet, but that will come. I think anyone who read Pebble and liked it will like this next one, too.

At this point it's about one-twelfth the size of Pebble. I'm aiming for a shorter book this time, in the 80K-90K range, so I estimate that right now the first draft is approximately one eighth finished.

More hints to come as I progress through the first draft, and I might even tease you with the first couple of chapters once they're good and polished.

Also, I've debuted a new banner and a new logo glyph (below), created, of course, by Jim Geckle. They look kind of funny next to each other, I'm thinking one or the other has to go, but I love them both. Any opinions?

In the meantime, I'll try to get to the blog more often. One of the things that's been holding me back, aside from Novel 2, is my desire to actually compose something that's well-written, as opposed to the mostly stream-of-consciousness trash I've been putting up since I started this blog. Hey, I'm new to this blogging stuff. I'll get better. Stay tuned.


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