Words you should never use in your writing
Noticed this post the other day on Diana Urban's website. A very interesting article that includes some good rules of thumb. I don't...
The Pros and Cons of Writing in First Person
Progress on my second novel has reached a temporary roadblock. I said temporary! A few things are going on. First, I have another job,...

Progress report
Sorry I haven't made any blog entries for a while. I've been concentrating on my second novel. You'd rather have me doing that anyway,...

A busy weekend
I feel like I've been through a whirlwind. CD theme night with my buds on Friday night. Held myself to a single beer (although it was a...
Novel 2 now in progress
Mark this day down. It's been two days since the finest day in sports of this year so far, two days since the Terps went to 14-1 by...